STEM Technology In Golf

Encouragement came from Ben Hogan in the early 1950’s when he said, “ I hope my book will lead to future advances in our understanding of the game and in other 15 years we will refine and extend our present knowledge of golf. In the future, other men will have that pleasure.”

So it is not unreasonable to feel what they were hoping for was not the popular fundamentals or so called “secrets” of the golf swing, but new and different ways of communicating the laws and principles of golf swing.

Is there something common in the swings of these pro golfers? If the answer is yes, then that is the technique or science behind the perfect swings.

The golf swing is an enigma to most golfers. Regardless of how many lessons the golfer takes or teaching articles/books he or she reads, rarely does one improve and often becomes more confused. The general problem is the concept of how to apply the force to the ball is not clear or entirely misunderstood.

To clarify how to apply body force to the club and increase club head speed, we need to take a trip back to our junior high physics class and recall Sir Isaac Newton’s Laws of motion.

Newton’s laws are basic scientific theories of physics, mechanics, dynamics and kinematics. All are applicable to human motion in general and specific to this article regarding the golf swing.

The principle of superposition, a powerful mathematical technique for analyzing certain types of complex problems in many areas of science and technology, has important applications in creating centripetal force, club head speed and golf swing modeling of SGM. The principle of superposition states that problem solutions can be added together to obtain composite solutions. The trebuchet is a compound machine that makes use of the mechanical advantage of a lever to throw a projectile far away. They are typically large constructions, and use a long arm to throw a projectile. It was a common powerful siege engine until the advent of gunpowder. A trebuchet consists primarily of a long beam attached by an axle suspended high above the ground by a stout frame and base, such that the beam can rotate vertically through a wide arc. A sling is attached to one end of the beam to hold the projectile.

In physics, angular momentum (or rotational momentum) is the rotational equivalent of linear momentum. It is an important quantity in physics because it is a conserved quantity—the total angular momentum of a closed system remains constant.

One important concept is the idea of conservation. You may already have a general sense of what conservation means. You’ve probably heard of people concerned with conserving our natural resources. They want to save non-renewable resources like oil and coal from being used up. So you know in the general sense conservation means the act of saving something instead of using it up.

It turns out that physics conservation works in quite a similar way. When we talk about conservation of energy, linear momentum, or angular momentum we are talking about the total amount of energy, or momentum, in a system being preserved.

Forces act on all structures like buildings and bridges. Whether the structure is small or large, it must be designed and built to withstand the forces added later.

If the structure is not strong enough to take any kind of dynamic force, it may experience structural failure;  if it is too strong, time and resources might be wasted. And for movable structures like cars and bikes, the other requests are more important.  

On the other hand, any structure should comply with the scientific geometry for taking more forces, saving materials and lasting longer. Our body posture for standing, sitting and bending is the same.    

For golf swing, to set up powerful body posture is the foundation of the whole swing, because the golf swing consists of the coherent actions of the whole symmetrical body structure which is built by skeletons and muscles.

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